Mohamed Atta 9/11 Hijackers

Mohamed Atta 9/11 Hijackers

There is scarcely a small child in the English speaking western world, particularly the United States of America, who does not recognize the name of Mohamed Atta. He made a name for himself that was horrifyingly notorious, as the ringleader of a 20 man terrorist group, the pilot who flew a hijacked plane laden with terrified passengers, into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Conversely, there would be many fundamentalist Islamics who revere the name of Mohamed Atta. To them, he goes down in history as a martyr, someone heroic not only to be admired but emulated. This book will show that, at least on the part of Atta and some others involved, this was not only politically/religiously motivated, but was an aircraft assisted suicide. A numerological criminal analysis and profile of all 20 suicide terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks, including the lone terrorist who helped coordinate the attacks from overseas, having failed to obtain a visa. He now is a prisoner of the United States government. Also, an analysis of two of the deceased victims of 9/11 chosen at random: one from the North Tower and one from the South Tower; Mark Bavis and Paul Acquaviva respectively. These analyses will serve to show that the victims of this horrendous attack had mathematical correlations on their charts corresponding to those on the charts of the men who killed them: the 9/11 terrorists. 18939343_cover-atta-9-11

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